This section allows you to customize the layout and style of the footer, pre-footer, and the copyright area.
Theme Options -> Footer
1 Footer Settings
- Uncovering footer: Will make the footer appear from below the content area upon scrolling down the page.
- Footer columns: You can set up to 4 footer widget areas.*
- Footer text color: You choose between Dark Text and Light text to match the background color of the footer.
- Footer Background: You can change the background color and/or upload a background image. By default, the footer background is defined by the tertiary theme color.
- You can also adjust the Footer padding.
*You can build a custom layout using Static Blocks. In this case, set the number of columns to 1.
2 Prefooter Settings
- Show prefooter: This option turns on and off the Prefoter widget areas.
- Prefooter columns: You can set up to 4 prefooter widget areas.*
- Prefooter text color: You choose between Dark Text and Light text to match the background color of the prefooter.
- Prefooter Background: You can change the background color and/or upload a background image.
- You can also adjust the Prefooter padding.
3 Copyright Area Settings
- Show copyright area: This option turns on and off the Copyright widget areas.
- Copyright area columns: You can set up to 2 widget areas.*
- Copyright Footer text color: You choose between Dark Text and Light text to match the background color of the copyright footer.
- Copyright Footer Background: You can change the background color and/or upload a background image. By default, a darker shade of the footer color is used.
- You can also adjust the top and bottom padding.