Header: Bottom-Menu

Theme Options -> Header
1 Bottom-Menu Header Settings
These options are visible only when the bottom-menu header is selected.
- Logo and Widget Area Height and the Navigation Bar Height. Both in pixels.
- Desktop Logo Positioning: This option helps with the vertical positioning of the logo.
- Enable Full-Width Header: Checking this will stretch the header to the width of the screen.
Header Style
- Background Settings allow you to change the color of the bottom-menu header and upload a background image.
- Logo & Widget Area Color: You can adjust the text color to match the background of the header.
2 Header Widget Area
- Header Widget Area Width: Determines how much space will the widgets take up relative to the logo. Choose Fixed Width and set it in pixels for the best results.
- Header Widget Area Padding: Adds space above and below the widget area.
The widgets will be displayed on the right side of the logo.