Icons Widget
Use this widget to display social media icons or purely as a decorative element.
1 Adding Icons
- Add+ creates a new, empty element.
- Select icon: You can use any icon from Dentalia's library.
- Label: This is only for better organization and does not appear on the front-end.
- Destination URL: Add your desired link here. If left empty the icon will not have a hover effect.
- Checking Open in a new window will open the link in a new tab.
- Icon Color: You can use a custom color for the icon. This works best with "Empty" and "White" buttons.
2 Style Settings
- Icon color: You can choose from predefined theme colors.
- Icon style: Sets the style of the buttons: Empty, Flat, or Wire.
- Rounding: Changes the shape of the buttons.
- Icon Size: Sets the size of the buttons.
- Space between icons: You can adjust the empty space between the icons.
- Align icons: Available options are: Left, Right, Center, Left on desktop, and Right on Desktop