Testimonials Widget

Display client testimonials in a carousel or a grid layout. 

1 Adding Testimonials:

  • Add+ creates a new, empty element.
  • The Testimonial title is optional.
  • Testimonial: Enter the quote here.
  • Name: This is the small text below the testimonial quote.
  • Upload Image: You can add an image to be displayed above the testimonial title. This is optional.


  • Choose Layout: Choose between a carousel and a grid layout.
  • Elements per row: Set how many testimonials will be displayed in a row on desktop.
  • Text color: Choose between dark and light text color style.

2 Advanced Settings

  • Background color and opacity: adds background color and padding around each testimonial.
  • Border color: Sets the color of the borders.
  • Rounded corners will make the edges of the testimonials rounded.
  • Text size: Changes the font-size of the testimonial quote.
  • Hide Images: Check to hide the images.

Carousel Settings

  • If you picked the carousel layout, you can enable autoplay, adjust its transition delay, and choose between different navigation styles.
  • Unchecking the display carousel navigation on mobile devices will hide the navigation on mobile.

Example A

Example B

Intuitive & simple

This is simply the best template that I have ever worked with. I loved it and I can't wait to see what else this team comes up with. Intuitive, simple, and packed with features. The team very quickly responded to my questions and willing to help me customize this site for other field of practice. Amazing
Dentalia User

Support is outstanding

This Theme is just perfect for a dental practice. It's useable for other services to I think. Great Design Quality and loads of cool options and widgets. In fact you can make what you want. The support is outstanding. Fast en flexible. Just what I look for when buying a new wp theme.
Dentalia User

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