Features Widget

Display animated features in a grid. You can use this widget to display featured services, contact information, and similar content. Each element can be styled individually.

1 Adding features:

  • Add+ creates a new element. You can add any number of feature panels to the grid.
  • Icon: Add an icon to the feature.
  • Choose an Image: This image will be displayed instead of the icon.
  • Title: Displays the feature title.
  • Description: Adds a short description of the feature.
  • Button text and Destination URL: Adds a button to the feature that leads to a set page.
  • Open in a new tab: Check to open the button link in a new window.

Element style

  • You can change the icon color of the selected feature.
  • Background image: For the background, you can set an image from the media library or upload a new one. The image will enlarge on hover.
  • Background color overlay and opacity: You can customize the background color overlay and its opacity.*
  • Button color: Choose from theme defined button colors.
  • Title hover color: Sets the color of the feature title while hovering over it.

2 Style & Layout Settings

  • Elements per row: Sets the number of features per row on desktop.
  • Row Height in pixels: The height of a row in the grid of features.
  • Auto heigh on mobile (Dentalia 2.0+): Check for better fitting content.
  • Text color: Sets the text color to dark or light for the entire widget.
  • Text alignment: Aligns the elements to left, right, or center.
  • Heading size and bold heading (Dentalia 2.0+): You can change the size of the titles and make them bold if you want.
  • Icon size: Sets the icon size of all the features.
  • Always show description: Check whether you want the feature description to be always visible.*
  • Add border and border color:  Check to separate the features with borders. Upon adding borders you can also change their color.

Button style

  • You can change the style, size, and shape of the buttons. This affects the entire widget.

Example A

Example B

Example C


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Feature Requests

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